COVID-19 protocols at Guelph General Hospital
Please click HERE for the most recent updates on having a surgery at GGH during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2 weeks prior to your surgery:
- Please minimize your chance of getting COVID-19 in the time leading up to your surgery.
- Symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, decrease or loss of sense of taste or smell, new or worsening cough, vomiting, shortness of breath, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion, difficulty swallowing, fatigue, muscle aches, pink eye (conjunctivitis).
- Immediately notify your surgeon if you, or anyone in your house, feel any of the above symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID-19. Your surgery could be cancelled any time prior to your scheduled appointment if you are ill or experiencing symptoms.
72 hours prior to your surgery:
- You will be phoned 1-3 days in advance of your surgery. You will be asked about symptoms related to COVID-19, your travel history, and COVID-19 exposure/contacts.
Day of surgery:
- Plan to have a support person drop you off at the hospital main entrance.
- Here you will be greeted by a staff member who will screen you for COVID-19 and provide you with a mask that you must wear.
- Bring minimal belongings and leave valuables at home.
- Please have available the name and phone number of the caregiver picking you up after your surgery – this person must be readily available to pick you up after being called (within 30 minutes)
What happens before surgery?
- Your surgeon’s office will book the date and time of your surgery and will provide you with all the necessary information.
- It is not necessary to stop blood thinning medications before cataract surgery.
What happens on the day of surgery?
- Usually, you are asked to arrive at the hospital 2 hours before your scheduled surgery and go to Day Surgery registration on 3rd floor.
- Do not eat food or drink anything after midnight the evening before your surgery.
- Do not take diabetic medications on the morning of your surgery.
- Do take your non-diabetic morning medication with sips of water at the usual time.
- You should wear a short sleeve shirt that buttons down the front, socks and flat-soled shoes.
- Do not wear any eye makeup.
- Bring all of your medications.
- Bring your health card.
- Bring your reading glasses and hearing aids, if used.
- Bring the name and contact number of your driver/person to take you home.
- If you do not speak English and require an interpreter, please arrange to have one come with you. If you are unable to arrange for an interpreter, please let your surgeon know and the hospital can help arrange one for you.
What happen after the surgery?
- You can eat and drink after the surgery is completed.
- Usually, you can go home within 1 hour after surgery (unless a general anaesthetic was used)
- You must have someone pick you up and drive you home after the surgery.
- You will have a follow-up visit on the day of surgery (or the next day) at your surgeon’s office.
- Your surgeon will review with you what to expect after surgery and postop care/activities.
- After surgery patients are not allowed to drive for 24 hours but can resume normal activities the next day and can drive if their vision meets the driving standards.